Oct. 10th, 2011, was the first weekend after Iarrived in Cebu. Before coming to Cebu, I didn’t have any idea about this city. Fortunately, some CIA friends invited me to go city tour with them.
The Philippines is a Catholiccountry. More than 80% of people believe in Catholicism. Thus, the church is very important place for them. We can see churches everywhere.
第一站我們來到Santo Nino教堂。Santo Nino教堂建於1565年,為宿霧最古老也是最重要的教堂,每天都有許多民眾來此膜拜上帝及聖母。相較於澳洲的教堂,這個教堂讓我感到更古老及莊嚴。
The first stop we visited was Basilica Minore del Santo Niño. The church was built in 1565. It is the oldest and most important church in Cebu. Many people come here to worship their God and Mother every day. Comparing to the churches in Australia, I feel more ancient and solemnwith this church.
接著我們步行到麥哲倫的十字架(Magellan’s Cross)。菲律賓的天主教歷史就從這個十字架開始,1521年航海家麥哲倫來到菲律賓宿霧,隨同的Pedro Valderama神父將此十字架豎立於宿霧,並正式於菲律賓傳教。
Then, we walked to Magellan’s Cross. Where the Spanish history of the Philippines andCatholicism started.NavigatorFerdinand Magellan arrived in Cebu in 1521. Father Pedro Valderamawho came with him brought the first cross for theFilipino and started to preach.
接著我們來到聖佩特羅堡(Fort San Pedro),位置就在獨立廣場(Plaza Independencia)後方。聖佩特羅堡於1565年由西班牙人所建造,為菲律賓最古老的城堡,當初西班牙人使用此三角型的城堡保護自己人,於二戰期間用於抵抗日本人,最後成為菲律賓人的學校和動物園,現今成為宿霧一處重要的景點,入場費21披索。
Next, we went to Fort San Pedro which is located at the back of Plaza Independencia. The fort was built by Spanish conquistador in 1565. At first, the Spaniards used this triangular fort to protect themselves. During World War II, it was used against the Japanese. It became a school for Filipino and a zoo later. Now, it is one of important attractions in Cebu City. The entrance fee is 21 pesos.
After eating some food in the downtown, we continued our schedule.
In the dusk, we went to TOP by taxi. TOP is one of the places which is good to see Cebu In a bird’s eye view. Cebu is the second biggest city in the Philippines. Although it’s not as prosperous as Manila, there are numerous shopping mall in Cebu city. Moreover, there are many lovely beaches and islands around Cebu. It’s very easy to access those places by car or ship. Definitely, Cebu is a wonderful place to visit.
- May 05 Sat 2012 08:49
宿霧一日遊Cebu Day Tour